5th Wonder Hobby Photocon Final 200
The time has finally arrived to start casting your votes in Wonder Hobby’s 5th Photo Contest.
GSC will be giving away prizes, and I do look forward to what the winners of the judge’s pick will get (one of a kind exclusives no doubt ^^)
One of the people I was with in our photoshoot for the contest got into the final 200 participants. Congratulations Ryan Dael for getting in the final 200, now go win the nerf gun!
You can check the pictures of the 200 finalists here. There are a lot of interesting pictures here for everyone to view. The top left part with the GSC mascot and the number tells you how many votes you have left. You are allowed upto five votes per person, (or maybe per IP address). You can only place one vote per picture. Are there any other filipinos that got in aside from Ry?
By clicking on the picture, you get to access the information provided by the photographer. To vote you have to click the orange button. The twitpic button allows you to access the picture in twitpic, while the middle button lets you see the photo in fullscreen.
Will post the other photos our group has taken right after i’ve watermarked them =D
Oh I had totally forgotten about this, time to get voting. I will be shameless and use on vote for myself.
Nothing shameless bout that, its called “believing in yourself!!!” hahaha.
Indeed, actually I’m happy we get five votes, doesn’t make me feel bad if I can also vote for the other entries.
Done and Done. =D