GSC and Max Factory’s 5th Photo Contest
Good Smile Company and Max Factory has once again decided to hold another Photo Contest, which will be held with the 13th Wonder Hobby event which will be held on February 6, 2011.
The rules can be found over here along with the application form but for those that can’t read Japanese (like me) here is a translation of some of the rules provided by wcloudx’s blog:
Only products from our company are allowed (the blog stated GSC and Max Factory products, but I’m not entirely sure) .
– Figma, Nendoroid, Scaled, or combinations of all of them.
– You are allowed to use any media to take your photos.
– You are allowed to enhance and add effects to your photos (Photoshop, etc).
– Only 1 entry/photo per person.
– Maximum of 3MB of image size.
– Must be your own work.
– Old photos are acceptable.
– Themes are free.
Of course there are restrictions as well.
Here is a translated version done for me by my friend, Raf Pineda. Its entirely upto you whether you want to trust this translation, you can check your local japanese dictionary. By the way here is a bigger version just in case.
All entries will be posted on WonHobby Twitpic and 200 finalists will be chosen. Voting will start on January 21st~30th, 2011 and each person will be able to vote up to 5 finalist, only 1 vote per finalist allowed. Winners will be announced during Wonder Hobby 13 Post-Event Talk Show, which will be streamed LIVE on NicoDouga.
Submissions are already opened and will run through January 14th, 2011. You can already start sending your entries. The contest is open internationally
These pictures were taken from the WonHobby TwitPic and I do suggest you take a look so you have a reference, see whats been done and what hasn’t, and check out the competition
Personally this are my two favorite photos so far =D. I think the tako luka won the prize, but I’m not sure myself
First prize winner gets a Mac (looks like a macbook pro) while second prize is a
A PS3 slim and a Black Rock Shooter OAV and finally third place is a
A Nerf N-Strike Vulcan. As much as a bunch of people are against this prize, I actually find it enticing and it makes me kind of want to win 3rd place more than 2nd or 1st (and no, i don’t have a mac nor a ps3 yet)
There wiill be the judge’s favorite and the prizes will be revealed at a later date. There are 13 judges total, so there maybe 13 winners. I hope the prizes for the judge’s favorite will be exclusives like…
Those were some of the prizes given last year. There were other prizes like an ita-bike or an ita-psp, but these three caught my attention the most.
There will be consolation prizes to the 200 finalists which is a photobook containing all the finalist entries and everyone who participated gets a photo plinth for participating.
Fore more info please visit the Wonder Hobby Site here
Learned about this first through wcloudx’s blog.
To enter or not to enter. That is the question…
Why a gattling nerf gun for the 3rd prize?… That is odd indeed…
Enter if you aren’t doing anything much XD. me and my friends have allocated this weekend to making props and shooting the figures oTL
Well I submit whatever picture I have last week hahaha
Lucky you! I’ve managed to learn about the event just last sunday XD
I actually would like the 3rd price, already own both a PS3 and the BRS Blu-ray set. Although I suppose getting the Macbook would be nice. Never owned a Mac, I’m a bid curious to see how it is.
The prize is a macbook (used to just calling macbook, i-mac, and other macs as a “mac”). Thanks for calling my attention on that one *edits*
I think I’ll take part
the gun is nice but I would be happy about the other prizes as well
The only Problem is I don’t know which picture I should send in 🙁
Mmm if thats the case, why not just upload them over your blog and then ask people which one they like best so you’ll have an idea. My policy in choosing is to choose what I won’t regret. I don’t really like looking back and saying “oh, I should’ve picked this instead XD
edit: actually don’t post it online to everyone, just ask your friends about it. Posting it online can make it vulnerable to picture stealing. Better safe than be sorry right?
thx for your hint I guess I will look through my picture folder and decide then
I don’t have that many GSC or Max factory stuff to begin with 😀
I will choose a picture from Seena Kanon, BRS anime version or Amano Tooko Nendoroid
Post in your blog on saturday ot sunday so everyone can see the stuff you took pics XD