Fuuri Watanuki Yukata ver

Right after Sonico’s Yukata figure, I guess it’s only fitting that we also do a review for one of Sonico’s friends in the anime series, Fuuri Watanuki.

Like I said I plan to release a lot of reviews which I’ve kept since February and March. Hopefully I do push though with the plan (unless work decides to rain on me)

if Sonico is pink then Fuuri gets to have the color green in the packaging much like the logo of their brand First Astronomical Velocity (F for pink, A for Yellow and V for Green if I’m not mistaken). You can also see her logo is different from Sonico (you get Fuuri’s face with a leaf on top of her) and the icons around her box look like they’re food.

I found Fuuri’s pose here more entertaining despite looking clumsy. It has more personality in it and even non-anime viewers can probably conclude that this girl loves to eat without even looking at her waistline (we all know where all they go though lol)

My issue with the Sonico freeing figure was the paint quality, Fuuri doesn’t ahve that. Instead it seems that she has mold issues as you can see with the side hair. You won’t notice it from afar, but seeing the figure up close though is a different matter. I’d take good paint jobs and lacking molds over perfect mold but a disappointing color finish.

I love Yukatas that are dropping down a bit like Yshirts that are open. Anyway, we get to see Fuuri’s sizeable assets here from this angle and they’re pretty big… I wonder how they’re being held up.

On one hand she has a well painted Takoyaki that looks like it’s still oozing with sauce

While on her other hand seems to be a large sized box of Yakisoba waiting to be gobbled.

She’s kind of on the plump side and it even shows on her legs too. Not amazed with the base.

Much like Sonico, you can remove her sleeves to show off more skin, but it’s kind off awkward with Fuuri since it seems like there is a huge gaping hole on her yukata instead of a sleeve.

I’ll leave you guys with pictures I’ve taken of Fuuri followed by the NSFW cast off portion of this review.

Right after this will be a bunch of NSFW pictures of Naked Fuuri. You guys have been warned, so I suggest making sure no one is watching you to avoid curious eyes.

To be honest I enjoyed reviewing this figure more than Sonico. Despite the jaggy molds, I love the color choices the character designer used here. You can see the previous review for the Super Sonico Yukata figure here.

6 replies
  1. wieselhead
    wieselhead says:

    I really liked Fuuri Watanuki in the anime, though was surprised that she’s “bigger” than Sonico, still think that she looks attractive, the animation style was very complimentary for “voluptous” girls ^^

    The figure is better in fully dressed actually modr, I love how one of her breasts is spilling out of her yukata. The pose is nice and shows wardrobe malfunction in a realistic way, She can’t escape with her full hands, the facial expression fits perfectly ahaha ( ̄▽+ ̄*)

    nice pictures of her, that actually would be a figure for me

    • Anton Eduque
      Anton Eduque says:

      Hahaha, she didn’t tie the obi-sash properly if it’s getting that loose, then again that’s Fuuri for you.

      I’m surprised that Pochaco is sold out in a lot of stores in Japan.


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  1. […] I hope you all enjoyed the three reviews which I’ve posted. In reality, they’ve been edited since February but I really haven’t got the time since then to actually write something about them. If you guys want to look at the Sonico figure or the Fuuri figure, feel free to take a look here: Super Sonico Yukata ver Fuuri Watanuki Yukata ver. […]

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